Customer Services
Line Extension
KBR will extend its’ single-phase or three-phase overhead power lines on a subsidized, or reduced cost, charge to its’ customers based upon the following costs per foot of line extension:
- 1-phase line extension overhead – $7.50 per foot…….Underground – $9.50 per foot….$2,000.00 Minimum Facilities Charge
- 3-phase line extension overhead – $10.00 per foot…..Underground – $13.00 per foot…….$4,000.00 Minimum Facilities Charge
- Customer is responsible for all costs of trench for underground installation
- All paper work for new irrigation must be done by January 1st
Specific rate classes, such as residential, general service, or irrigation, may be eligible for a line extension credit, based upon the size and type of new load.
Please contact our office for specific information concerning your overhead or underground line extension plans.
- Residential
0.1820 Per Kwh for 300 Kwh/Mo. – 0.10640 Per Kwh for All Additional Use/Mo. - Residential services with a 10 kVa transformer will have monthly charge of $23.50
- Those with a higher kVa transformer will pay $1.75 per kVa for a monthly charge.
- Residential – All Electric
0.18200 Per KWh for 300 Kwh/Mo. – 0.0798 Per Kwh All Add. Use/Mo. - Residential services with a 10 kVa transformer will have a monthly charge of $23.50
- Those with a higher kVa transformer will pay $1.75 per kVa for a monthly charge.
- General Service
0.220 Per Kwh for 300 Kwh/Mo. – 0.1055 Per Kwh for All Additional Use/Mo. - General service with a 10 kVa transformer will have a monthly charge of $23.50.
- Those with a higher kVa transformer will pay $1.75 per kVa for a monthly charge.
- General Service – All Electric
0.220 Per Kwh for 300 Kwh/Mo. – 0.1050 Per Kwh for 700 Kwh/Mo. – 0.0780 Per Kwh for 5,000. Use/Mo. For all Additional kwh/Mo is 0.1018. - General service with a 10 kVa transformer will have a monthly charge of $23.50.
- Those with a higher kVa transformer will pay $1.75 per kVa for monthly charge.
- Residential
- Rental Lights
100 W HPS/63 W LED – $9.75 + .54 (tax) = $10.29 250 W HPS – $16.00 + .88 (tax) = $16.88
- Monthly Minimum
The monthly minimum is equal to the size of the kVa of your transformer x $1.75, for example if your transformer is a 25 kVa then your minimum is $43.75. (25 x $1.75=$43.75)
Electric Heat Rebate Program
KBR Rural Public Power District has established an Electric Heat Rebate Program to encourage customers to install electric heat as their primary heating source.
Rebates will be calculated on a per kW of electric heat basis. No preference will be shown as to the type or efficiency of the electric heating source.
Electric water heaters must be a minimum size of 30 gallons. This does not include the on demand water heaters.
Rebates will be considered on new or conversion loads, not replacements.
Rebate Amounts
- New Construction………………………………………….$15 per kW of electric heat
- Conversion of existing structure………………………$20 per kW of electric heat
- Electric Water Heater – (30 gallon min)……………$100
New Services
If you are needing, or even considering, a new electric service from KBR, give our office a call. We will set up an appointment for you to meet with one of our service personnel at the location site. He will take a look at what you need and offer suggestions on your best course of action. He will also give you a cost of building your service based on our current charges. There is no charge for this appointment.
Work loads vary throughout the year, so it is not unusual to have several weeks, or months, work already planned for. Every effort will be made to accomplish the needs and goals of our customers and KBR in a reasonable amount of time, but as soon as you know, or even anticipate the need for a new electric service, please contact our office at your earliest convenience.
KBR is responsible for bringing the electric service up to and including the meter and socket. The customer is responsible for the installation of the required disconnect switch below the meter and the electric service wires from the disconnect switch to their load center.
There are cash incentives for installing an electric water heater and electric heat, and for irrigation customers, the installation of an Auto-Restart. Contact our office for more information.
Irrigation, especially the conversion from fossil fuels to electric energy, is the fastest growing rate class that KBR has. The irrigation rate class is extremely challenging since it requires a tremendous amount of facilities, power and energy for a short period of time, usually only three to four months during the year. KBR has tried very hard to adapt to the needs of our irrigation customers while at the same time not having those costs being subsidized by our other rate classes.
KBR has created line extension policies and programs to be as beneficial as possible to the irrigator, yet being fair and consistent with our other rate classifications. Listed below are some of the major items that are involved with being an electric irrigation customer with KBR:
- There is a line extension credit of feet per horsepower of new electric irrigation load if the extension of 3-phase line is needed.
- All new irrigation must participate in KBR’s load control program.
- All irrigation customers will be paid for every hour they are load controlled.
- All irrigation customers are strongly encouraged to install “auto-restarts” on their electric irrigation motors. KBR will pay $100 towards the cost of auto-restart.
For more information and any specific answers to your particular irrigation project, please call our office and visit with Jess or Bob.
Payment Options
Every month you will receive a bill from KBR, you can then send or deliver it to our office. Listed below are some options for your consideration.
Payment Depositories:
KBR has drive-up depositories for your convenience located at our main office in Ainsworth, along with one at each of our outposts in Springview and Valentine. These are checked daily for your convenience.
Automatic Bank Withdrawal:
Customers may choose to have monthly electric bills automatically paid from their checking or savings account from their local bank. Just stop in our office and visit with Kristi or Sandy to learn of the details and how simple it is.
Equalized Payment (Budget Payment) Plan:
Under this payment plan, customers can make monthly equalized payments that are computed from the average usage from your account history. The Equalized, or Budget Payment Plan, is reviewed and balanced annually. At that time you will be required to clear up any balances, either by payment, or credit to your next years account. Failure to pay the Equalized/Budget Payment Plan when due will automatically cancel the agreement.
Credit Cards:
Yes, we except Credit Cards now as of January 1, 2010.
Costs & Fees
Meter Deposits:
Should you request electric service from KBR, you will be required to pay the District a $200 Meter Deposit, which will be held as long as you are receiving service from KBR.
Minimum Facilities Charge:
On Any New Service
$2,000.00 – Single Phase Line
$4,000.00 – 3 Phase Line
Upon discontinuing of electric service with KBR, the Meter Deposit shall be applied toward the final bill or refunded to the customer providing there are no unpaid bills or charges with the District. No interest will be added to the Meter Deposit when refunding the deposit to the customer.
Collection Fees:
- All accounts are due upon receipt and delinquent after the 10th of each month.
- A penalty of 1.333% will be charged each month on all unpaid balances due for over 30 days.
- If KBR personnel are dispatched to collect a bill, a $50 Collection Fee will be charged.
- If KBR personnel are dispatched to disconnect a meter, a $50 Disconnect Fee will be charged to the account.
- A $50 Reconnect Fee will be charged to reconnect the service during normal working hours, and a $100 fee will be charged if KBR is requested to reconnect the service after normal working hours or on a holiday.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Person with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
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Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
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